Under the Texas penal code, there are many different classifications of assault and battery charges. These charges range from a class c misdemeanor to a third degree felony, and sentencing can also dramatically vary depending on the situation. When accused of an assault crime, it is important to have an experienced attorney that can defend you.
The Law Office of Jim Squyres can put his years of experience to work by defending you in Lufkin, TX, and all over the following counties:
Angelina Nacogdoches Polk Trinity However serious your assault or battery charge is, our expert attorney can help you understand the subtle differences between the different charges, and how those can affect potential consequences when it comes time for sentencing. We can help minimize the damage if you are convicted, and make sure you don't spend any more time in jail than you have to.
Call our Lufkin, TX office at
936-633-7582 to set up your initial consultation, and be sure to ask about our in-house financing options.Make sure your side of the story gets told